Joined for weight loss, pain in knee, irregular in monthly cycle. She has lost 15 kg in 10 months.
Ramandeep kaur sayal
Joined for weight loss during lactataion and lost 17 kg in period of 5 months . irregularity in per
Udai sharda
joined for weight loss, increased uric acid, thyriod, bone pains. Ha has lost 31.5 kgs in a period o
Puneet oberoi
He joined for weight loss program. He lost 31.5 kgs in a period of one year. he is maintaining weig
Jasleen Arora
She joined in lactation and lost 18 kgs in 4 months
Kapil Bhatia
Visited for Weight Loss Diet Counseling
Sohna Barha
Wonderful experience and really good way to understand and plan a diet accordingly. Where ididnt fel
Paramdeep Singh Kathuria
It`s going good, ME happy wide my treatment, just a 1week. Starting my weight loss, happy for fat to
Shobhita Chabra
Duration of time - 3 month. In three months, I have lost 8kg. At the starting of my cycle, my weight
Rekha Ghandhi
Duration of time - 9 to 10 months. Awesome experience, awesome results lost 16 kg in 9 months gettin
Kavita Chopra
It`s excellent for first week.I lost 2.5 kg but looking forward to get in to shape. Hope for the bes
Akansha Saxena
She is an expert nutritionist. I lost around 9 kgs in three months time that too with healthy diet.
Ms Devesh
Awesome experience with Dr. Neha as she explains everything clearly and timely manner. Really making
Seema Bhutani
Beautiful Experience. Dr neha is sweet and smiling doctor. Her diet for weight loss really helping m
Anjali Wadhwa
Dr. Neha is very helpful and learned doctor. She has given me diets, which made a significant differ
Hemant Singh
I reduced around 5 kilos in two weeks. experience is very good... Ms Neha explained the diet chart i
Bavleen Kaur
She is a very good *** ********* ******* ********* . She understands how your body functions and acc
Tanmay Kakkar
**** ****** very humble polite and adjustable with great experience, i will highly recommend everyon
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Joined for weight loss, pain in knee, irregular in monthly cycle. She has lost 15 kg in 10 months.
-Lalita Sharma
Joined for weight loss during lactataion and lost 17 kg in period of 5 months. irregularity in periods was no more.
-Ramandeep kaur sayal
joined for weight loss, increased uric acid, thyriod, bone pains. Ha has lost 31.5 kgs in a period of 13 months.
-Udai sharda
He joined for weight loss program. He lost 31.5 kgs in a period of one year. he is maintaining weight since lost.
-Puneet oberoi
She joined in lactation and lost 18 kgs in 4 months
-Jasleen Arora
Visited for Weight Loss Diet Counseling
Happy with Doctor friendliness, Explanation of the health issue, Treatment satisfaction, Value for money, Wait time
She is a result oriented person, as a friendly nature to the patient and as good mentor also. Dr Sahab keep continue this momentum.
-Kapil Bhatia
Wonderful experience and really good way to understand and plan a diet accordingly. Where ididnt felt as i m dieting or starving.
-Sohna Barha
It`s going good, ME happy wide my treatment, just a 1week. Starting my weight loss, happy for fat to slim
-Paramdeep Singh Kathuria
Duration of time - 3 month. In three months, I have lost 8kg. At the starting of my cycle, my weight was 86.5kg, but now its 78.8 kg.Its been a very great journey for me. Dr Neha provides such a great variety of meals according to your preferences. Iam very thankful to her as it had become very difficult for me to loose weight. Thanks a lot.
-Shobhita Chabra
Duration of time - 9 to 10 months. Awesome experience, awesome results lost 16 kg in 9 months getting good comments from family and friend. Also feeling good. Health problem are alsodecreased. Over all happy. Thanks Dr Neha.
-Rekha Ghandhi
It`s excellent for first week.I lost 2.5 kg but looking forward to get in to shape. Hope for the best.
-Kavita Chopra
She is an expert nutritionist. I lost around 9 kgs in three months time that too with healthy diet. Food combinations that she suggests are really helpful. Iam going to continue till I reach to my desired weight level. She gives diet to other problems as well that are equally beneficial.
-Akansha Saxena
Awesome experience with Dr. Neha as she explains everything clearly and timely manner. Really making a difference in making us healthy.
-Ms Devesh
Beautiful Experience. Dr neha is sweet and smiling doctor. Her diet for weight loss really helping me. Thanks Dr. Neha helps us identify the pitfalls in our daily routines that do not allow us to lose weight. She studies our regular diet in detail and modifies the proposed diet plan accordingly, such that we do not feel much change in our regular routine. She explains the necessity of each food that we intake / we do not need to take and its implications in the overall scheme of things.
-Seema Bhutani
Dr. Neha is very helpful and learned doctor. She has given me diets, which made a significant difference to my body. The diets are easy to follow and the staff is very cooperative on calls. She responds to messages on time and gives individual time to each patient..
-Anjali Wadhwa
I reduced around 5 kilos in two weeks. experience is very good... Ms Neha explained the diet chart in a very simple way and its very easy to follow it.
-Hemant Singh
She is a very good *** ********* ******* *********. She understands how your body functions and accordingly plans your diet which not only helps you loose weight but gives you required nutrition as well.
-Bavleen Kaur
**** ****** very humble polite and adjustable with great experience, i will highly recommend everyone for weight loss.